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Montessori Teacher Education

Education – Montessori Teacher

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M.Ed. Montessori Teacher Education Overview

学习推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的蒙台梭利课程,让您有机会在学习蒙台梭利哲学基础的同时,培养教育技能和课堂领导能力. 然后,您将学习如何将这一理念应用于通过自我表达来教育学生, collaboration and discovery. 该计划深深植根于基督教的价值观和道德,你将能够融入你的教导.

如果你是一个蒙台梭利认证的教育工作者和学生一起工作,或者如果你以非教育的方式和学生一起工作,蒙台梭利培训是完美的. 该计划可以让你加深对教育理念的了解,以满足你的工作需求. 进入该课程不需要教师证书.

这个混合推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站包括在坎贝尔斯维尔的主校区进行为期四周的暑期研修, Kentucky. Through the online portion of the degree, you will learn the history, theory, 蒙台梭利幼儿教育方法的哲学基础和教育基础. In addition, 您将探索特殊教育的基础,同时专注于包容性幼儿实践. You will also examine advanced child development, special topics in early childhood education, 与幼儿教育和全球视野相关的各种研究方法和程序.

Additionally, 您将在蒙台梭利课堂上完成四门实习课程,由老师和大学导师指导. The practicums emphasize developing observation, assessment, classroom management and teaching skills, 家长沟通及课程发展及执行.

我们蒙台梭利推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的教授都有真实的蒙台梭利教育经验. 该学位由教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)认证。.

Program is also now available online: Online M.Ed. Montessori Teacher Education.

Course Map

The Master of Education in Montessori Education (M.Ed. 蒙台梭利学校(Montessori school,简称ME)为已完成学士学位的候选人准备获得美国蒙台梭利学校认可的幼儿教师证书.S. and internationally. 在线蒙台梭利培训推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站包括36到42个学分,只需一年多就能完成. 全日制学位包括在坎贝尔斯维尔主校区为期四周的暑期学院.

The M.Ed. - ME包括36-42个研究生学分,外加笔试和口试以及专业作品集. 课程包括9-15学分的专业教育核心,旨在拓宽候选人的研究知识, current trends in early childhood, and best practices in inclusive education. 蒙台梭利核心课程包括21个学分的蒙台梭利哲学, curriculum and methods, observation, classroom management, and leadership coursework. 另外6个学分是在蒙台梭利实习中获得的,包括连续9个月完成550个小时的课程.

Professional Core Courses (9-15 credits)

  • ED 599: Entry to TP
  • IEC 630: Advanced Child Development
  • IEC 516: Inclusive Education*
  • ED 605: Research Methods & Procedures
  • IEC 540: Advanced Positive Behavior Supports*
  • IEC 625: Global Perspectives in Early Childhood
  • IEC 690: Special Topics in IECE*

* Taken if needed with advisor approval

Montessori Core Courses (21 credit hours)

  • IEC 525:Foundations in Montessori Education
  • IEC 526:Montessori Practical Life/Culture Methodology*
  • IEC 527: Montessori Sensorial Methodology*
  • IEC 528:Montessori Language and Literacy Methodology*
  • IEC 529: Montessori Math Methodology*
  • IEC 570:Observation, Assessment & Management
  • IEC 650: Classroom Leadership in Montessori Programs


Clinical Practice in Montessori (6 credit hours)

  • IEC 598:Montessori Practicum I
  • IEC 599:Montessori Practicum II
  • IEC 698:Montessori Practicum III
  • IEC 699:Montessori Practicum IV

Admissions Requirements

为了申请推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站认可的在线蒙台梭利培训, 准学生必须提交或填写以下材料:

  1. Complete the application
  2. 正式的大学成绩单,包括所有参加过的学院或大学课程的完整记录
  3. Three (3) professional recommendations
  4. Criminal background check
  5. If GPA is lower than 2.75, GRE and/or interview may be required

Costs & Financial Aid

The Montessori degree online costs $299 per credit hour. In order to help students afford their education, 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的工作人员可以与学生一起发现可用的经济援助选择.

Financial Aid
Students can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),了解他们可以获得哪些奖学金、助学金、贷款和付款计划. 有很多选择,并不是所有的经济援助都是基于需要.

View Financial Options

Transfer Credits

Military Students
推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站是一所军事友好学校,也是黄丝带计划的骄傲成员. 目前在国内或国外服役或退伍军人的学生可以在一个有利的环境中继续他们的教育.

Careers in Teaching

坎贝尔斯维尔在线蒙台梭利培训的毕业生可以将他们的知识应用到教育领域的一些职业中. Potential career outcomes include:

    • Montessori teacher
    • Teacher educator
    • School administrator


(Taught in Mandarin)

该课程的目标是为学生提供先进的技能和知识,以培养教育领导能力. 该计划将赋予学生在当今快速变化和高要求的幼儿教育环境中创造和保持竞争优势的能力和能力. 学生们将学习如何运用这些方法通过自我表达来教育孩子, collaboration, and discovery.

教育硕士推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站与青控股紫荆教育合作, who is responsible for student recruiting and management. 课程由推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站教授和中国教授联合授课. The 18-month program consists of online studies, special seminars and workshops operated by Zijing, and group discussions. Students will learn the history, theory, 幼儿教育方法的哲学基础和教育基础, including Montessori. Students will also examine advanced child development, psychological foundations, assessment, working with families, special topics in early childhood education, supporting children with special needs, 以及与幼儿教育和全球视野相关的各种研究方法和程序.

For more information, please visit campbellsville.ezijing.com.

Courses Offered at:
  • All Locations
  • Campbellsville
  • Louisville
  • Online